I like this site there paying $0.05 per ad view. It's very easy to earn here.
All you need to do is use a Firefox browser.
1. Register here: In registration choose I want to be a SELLER this is important.
2. after registration go to getting started tab. watch a video, so that you can have an idea how this work.
3. next go to add on tab. just read the instruction there.
download your add on and drag it in firefox, install it and login.
4. if you are watching ads. don't close it. just wait until it close itself or else it will not be credited.
5. The mode of payment is paypal.
minimum payout is $5 at the end of the month.

All you need to do is use a Firefox browser.
1. Register here: In registration choose I want to be a SELLER this is important.
2. after registration go to getting started tab. watch a video, so that you can have an idea how this work.
3. next go to add on tab. just read the instruction there.
download your add on and drag it in firefox, install it and login.
4. if you are watching ads. don't close it. just wait until it close itself or else it will not be credited.
5. The mode of payment is paypal.
minimum payout is $5 at the end of the month.

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